Black Jack

The North American BlackJack game, also known as 21, is one of the most popular casino games of the last hundred years and has spread all over the world!
In BlackJack on each betting round, the player places bets on one or more boxes that are designed on the table. The dealer distributes one card to each box where he / she bets. He takes one card for himself and then distributes a second card to each player. If the dealer’s card is Ace, the player has the right to secure his bet by betting half of his total bet. If the dealer after the ace gets a figure or ten, that is BlackJack then pays the security that the player put 2 to 1. The goal of each player is to get as close to the sum 21 as possible.
The dealer compulsorily draws a card at sum 16 and stops at sum 17.
BlackJack is paid 3 to 2.


If the player is happy with what he has shared, he may take no action and pass on to the next player.


If the player wants to get another card, he will mark it on the dealer pointing at his card. If the total hand is less than 21, the player may choose to take the card again or to stop. If the total is 21, the player automatically stops.

Double Down

If the player thinks he has a favorable hand, that is, a set of 9, 10 or 11, he can select ‘Double Down’. To do this, he places a second bet equal to the first, next to his first bet. He just gets another card facing up and then has to stop, regardless of the set. This option is only available in the player’s two-card hand.


If the player’s first two cards are of the same order, he may choose to place an additional bet equal to his original and split the cards into two hands. The cards are split and an additional card is distributed to complete each hand. If either hand receives a second card with a corresponding rank, the player may offer to split again. In general 3 hands are allowed, after which no further separations are allowed. The player, by hand, has all the usual options: stop, get another card or double.

The minimum and maximum bets on Black Jack at THE LYNX CASINO FLORINA are as follows:

  1. BJ min 5 € max 250 €
  2. BJ min 10 € max 500 €
  3. BJ min 25 € max 1250 € (vip only)

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THE LYNX CASINO FLORINA is the ultimate entertainment destination as, on every month, you will have the chance to participate at the most amazing draws that could grant you cash & great giveaways! Stay tuned for the upcoming calendar and…be a winner!


THE LYNX CASINO FLORINA means…games! Not only you will be able to find the latest and most technologically-advanced slot machines of the biggest global manufacturers (EGT, IGT, MERKUR, NOVOMATIC), but you will also have the chance to experience the most amusing table games that are being operated by highly specialized personnel. You can choose from 103 Slots, electronic Roulette (12 stations), 6 Roulettes, 5 Black Jack tables and 1 Ultimate Texas Hold'em Poker table, at one of the truly most modern casinos in Europe.